Transforming Rockval:
From Web App to Mobile App


In this case study, we will delve into the process of transforming Rockval, a powerful web app, into a sleek and intuitive mobile application. As a Product Designer, I led a talented team through this exciting journey, leveraging our expertise to create a seamless user experience across different devices. This case study highlights the key steps, challenges, and solutions that contributed to the successful transition from web to mobile.

Understanding the Existing Web App

Since the team had been working on the web app for the past 24 months, understanding its core functionalities, user flows, and overall design language was covered, and so we jumped straight into identifying the key elements that needed to be translated effectively into the mobile environment. The web app was not designed with the mobile-first approach, so this step allowed us to maintain consistency while adapting the app to a smaller form factor.

User-Centric Design

One of the crucial aspects of this project was ensuring a user-centric design approach. We conducted user research and gathered feedback from existing Rockval users to understand their pain points, preferences, and expectations from a mobile app. This invaluable insight guided our design decisions and helped us create a mobile app that catered to the specific needs and preferences of the target audience.

Adapting the Interface

To ensure a seamless transition from web to mobile, we focused on adapting the web app's interface to fit the constraints and opportunities of mobile devices. We reimagined the layout, prioritizing essential features and simplifying complex interactions to optimize the mobile experience. Our team also optimized the visual elements, ensuring legibility, clarity, and consistency across different screen sizes.

Streamlining Navigation

Recognising the importance of intuitive navigation, we restructured the app's information architecture to accommodate mobile users' natural interactions. We implemented a bottom navigation bar, ensuring easy access to core features and enabling users to switch between different sections effortlessly. Furthermore, we incorporated gestures and swipe actions to enhance the overall navigation experience.

Iterative Prototyping and User Testing

Throughout the design process, we created iterative prototypes and conducted user testing sessions to validate our design decisions. This iterative approach allowed us to gather valuable feedback and make necessary adjustments to ensure a seamless and intuitive user experience. By involving users early on, we were able to identify and resolve potential issues before the final release.

Responsive Development

Working closely with our development team, we ensured that the mobile app was built using responsive design principles. This approach enabled us to create a single codebase that adapted seamlessly to various screen sizes and orientations. By prioritising performance and compatibility across different mobile devices, we aimed to offer a consistent experience to all users.


Transforming Rockval from a web app to a mobile app was a challenging yet rewarding process. Through a user-centric design approach, iterative prototyping, and close collaboration between design and development teams, we successfully translated the core functionalities of the web app into an intuitive and visually appealing mobile experience. The new Rockval mobile app offers users the convenience and flexibility they desire, while maintaining the app's powerful features and seamless usability.


With development and testing still taking place, I am unfortunately not able to present all the features of the mobile app but will continue to populate these as and when I am permitted to do so.

Map View

Map View with Property Popover

Properties List

Deals List


Edit Prospect List

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